" imply that a lesser pressure, or a pressure by either of them, deserves to be set aside much more promptly | When this is so in the case of even the parents, it should be so with every other person, too |
And if the children adopted the right way, and showed no slackness in rendering the parents' lawful rights either, but the parents ill-treated them only for the reason that they did not join them in their deviation, they will not be able to escape Allah's punishment | " Ahqaf: 15 This is an important legal point which helps resolve many disputes concerning legitimate and illegitimate births |
and Imam Muhammad have drawn the conclusion that the suckling period of the child is two years.
18Hendaknya Kami katakan kepadanya bersyukurlah kepada-Ku dan kepada kedua orang ibu bapakmu, hanya kepada Akulah kembalimu yakni kamu akan kembali | 中国语文 - Ma Jian : 我曾命人孝敬父母;如果他俩勒令你用你所不知道的东西配我,那末,你不要服从他俩。 Ibn 'Abbas from these words has concluded, and other scholars have agreed with him in this, that the shortest period of pregnancy is six months, for the Qur'an at another place says: "His bearing ita the womb and his weaning took thirty months |
No one deserves to be followed and obeyed unless one is sure that the person being followed is on the right path | What the verse means to impress is this: The rights of the parents, among the creation of Allah, are to be held as the supreme, but even if the parents force a person to adopt shirk, they should not be obeyed |
If the children have accepted deviation for the sake of the parents, they will be punished.
24A saying of Imam Malik also supports this | |
IDiots AnonSecTeam - tap background to sound - | The words, "If both of them force you to associate |
Therefore if you disobey me, you will be disobeying Allah too.