الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. قائمة الولايات والمناطق الأمريكية

, , retrieved on August 23, 2014• of Energy, "" July 2006 , Energy Flow diagram• in A Companion to the American Revolution, ed , World Economic Forum , , retrieved on June 1, 2014• US Bureau of Economic Analysis
International Productivity Monitor, Centre for the Study of Living Standards ; International Justice 20 April 2011

قائمة الولايات والمناطق الأمريكية

, The Living Internet, Bill Stewart ed , January 2000.

تأشيرات الدخول
Wright, Gavin, and Jesse Czelusta, "Resource-Based Growth Past and Present", in Natural Resources: Neither Curse Nor Destiny, ed
قائمة الولايات والمناطق الأمريكية
Zeng, Min OCTOBER 6, 2008
اقتصاد الولايات المتحدة
Sherk, James July 17, 2013
Cohen, The Future of Money, Princeton University Press, 2006, ISBN 0-691-11666-0; cf Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
" Accessed: October 24, 2011 O'Connor, Clare April 23, 2013

دستور الولايــــات المتحـدة الأمريكـية

National Poverty Center, February 2012• "Diplomacy of the Revolution, to 1783," p.

قائمة الولايات والمناطق الأمريكية
Retrieved on August 17, 2008• Except for Canada, these are small countries with a prominent energy-intensive industry such as oil refining or
تأشيرات الدخول
Queally, Jon October 8, 2014
تأشيرات الدخول
The US Congressional Budget Office CBO