العاب عيال. يونس عيال سلمان

Promote measures that strengthen positive relationships between parents and children Include studies of the importance of play and the means of play provision in the training of all professionals and volunteers working with and for children
Our commitment to the development of each individual to the maximum of their potential, the protection and enhancement of their culture, and the importance of the family and the community ACKNOWLEDGES that each country is responsible for preparing its own courses of public and political action in the light of its culture, climate and social, political and economic structure;• RECOGNIZES that the full participation of the community is essential in planning and developing programs and services to meet the needs, wishes, and aspirations of children;• Increasing segregation of children in the community

International Play Association (IPA World)

Our feeling of solidarity with children all over the world.

العاب عيال
Over-emphasis on theoretical and academic studies in schools
يونس عيال سلمان
PLAY, along with the basic needs of nutrition, health, shelter and education, is vital to develop the potential of all children
‏سوق Chrome الإلكتروني
Reserve adequate and appropriate space for play and recreation through statutory provision
The increasing numbers of working children, and their unacceptable working conditions Disseminate existing knowledge about play facilities and play programs to planning professionals and politicians
LEISURE Children need opportunities to play at leisure ASSURES its co-operation with UN agencies and other international and national organizations involved with children;• Reduce the incompatibilities between daily life, work and education by involving schools and colleges, and by using public buildings for community play programs

يونس عيال سلمان

Provide time, space, materials, natural settings, and programs with leaders where children may develop a sense of belonging, self-esteem, and enjoyment through play.

العاب عيال النهضه
PLAY is instinctive, voluntary, and spontaneous
العاب عيال النهضه
The IPA Declaration should be read in conjunction with Article 31 of the U
العاب عيال النهضه
The best method of learning for children is the use of the senses that God has bestowed upon them